Eye injuries

1. Causes and characteristics of eye injuries

Eye injuries can be cause by:

  • Dirt in the eye (a speck of dirt or a sharp object like a splinter of metal)
  • Corrosive substances
  • Chemical burns 
  • Ultraviolet light, strong lights, sunlamps

2. Assessing the victim

Symptoms of eye injuries:

  • Red
  • Watering
  • Bleeding in or around the eye
  • Pupil may be deformed

3. What the ERO should do

What to do in the event of an eye injury:

  • Decide whether to call 112, or to accompany the victim to a doctor or casualty department yourself
  • Make sure the victim does not rub his eyes
  • Do not remove anything from the eye, and leave contact lenses in 
  • If it is a speck of dirt that is not on a coloured part of the eye you can try to remove it with the corner of a clean gauze 

If an object such as metal splinter has penetrated the eye, or just has touched, there will be bleeding in the eye, you have to proceed as follows:

  • Ask the victim to lie down or place him in a semi-reclining position (support his back) to reduce the pressure on the eye
  • Ask the victim to cover the eye with his hand. Do not use a bandage!
  • Take the victim to a doctor
  • A victim with an object penetrating his eye should be transported by ambulance, as it is specially equipped for transporting people with such injuries